Technical Briefs
TexPoly Seals
TexPoly has been manufacturing Spring Energized Seals for Industries in the Oil & Gas, Automotive, Industrial, Medical, HPLC, Aerospace and Military Market Segments. We have serviced these industries with over 30+ years of experience in Engineering and Manufactruring.
Our capabilities include but are not limited to:
U-Shaped cantilever spring energized seals
V-Shaped cantilever spring energzied seals
Helical wound spring energized seals
Inclinded coil spring energized seals
Elastomer energized seals
Rotary Lip seals
Bearings and Wear rings
TexPoly also offers custom seals:
Metal Cased PTFE Lip seals
Metal Cased Rubber Lip seals
Two spring-energized non-elastomeric lip seal
Extreme Pressure seals
Extreme Temperature seals
H2S (Sour Gas) seals
High Performance Gate Valve Seals
V-Packing Sets

We also offer a wide range of replacement seal assemblies for repairable valves and pumps in many market segments. Please visit our Contact page.
Contact Us
Texas Precision Polymers, Inc.
13843 Highway 105 West #422
Conroe, Texas 77304
936.588.4333 Ph
936.588.4335 Fx
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